Root Canal Treatment

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What is RCT or Root Canal Treatment ?

Root Canal Treatment is a non surgical procedure that is followed by a dental care practitioner. This treatment relieves from the pain that is caused by an infected tooth.

People who have dental cavities, tooth decay or cracked teeth are most likely to have such kind of a pain. They only need to search “RCT specialist near me”, and Cosmodent clinic’s location will be in front of them.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Sometimes, the pain that begins in the tooth region is so unbearable that one has to quickly search for the best “root canal treatment clinic near me” on your smart phone and rush for a treatment.

The dental expert then carries out the following steps-
1. As a very first step, the doctor performs an X-Ray to indentify the place of pain and its’ cause.
2. In the next step, anaesthesia is administered so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain during the treatment.
3. Once, the infected area is numbed, a cavity is prepared to remove the pulp.
Then the infected pulp is removed and canals are cleaned.
4. The third step is sealing the canal with a rubber like material called gutta-percha. Before sealing, the doctor waits for 4-5 days.
5. The fourth and the last step is the placing of the tooth crown to strengthen the tooth.

After the placement of the crown, the patient is relieved from the pain and discomfort within 4-5 days. The dental specialist may suggest some pain killers in case the patient is not comfortable.

The above steps are completed in about 10-15 days and when the process is completed successfully by your dentist, you will surely take a breath of comfort and say thanks to your search of “root canal treatment near me.”

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